Now Is The Time To Re-Think, Re-Imagine And Re-Define Your Business

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Now Is The Time To Re-Think, Re-Imagine And Re-Define Your Business

In the midst of the Pandemic most Businesses were not prepared to face the Financial blow their businesses would be facing during these times.

On the lighter side, we all rely upon using Technology on a daily basis. The internet has become an integrate part of getting things done, from purchasing something online to finding the right supplier for that specific item you always wanted.
Taking in mind that now in desperate times we are facing a Broken chain in our daily Business operations, some of us are working remotely and others are not working at all, due to restrictive emergency regulations.

So, The Big Question Is: What Can Online Marketing Do For My Business?

The answer is not simple. We must take in mind that various components must be in place to compliment your online marketing portfolio.

  1. Brand: This is the perfect storm to take charge of your Brand by implementing the latest Digital Marketing Strategies. When last did you review your Company’s Brand, Website, Marketing Arsenal (Digital Brochures and Video, etc.). How do you implement your Brand Strategy and Who Is Your Target Audience? These are all questions you should be asking. Sometimes it is not really about Making Money but instead understanding that building a Quality Brand will increase Customer Loyalty and Awareness. We should always remember that a Brand is a Promise of Consistent Quality Products and Service Delivery which results in Customer satisfaction.Taking the first step in creating Brand Awareness can sometimes be difficult and painful for some Business Owners, but a necessary evil.
  2. Website: If the Pandemic has taught Businesses Owners anything it is that if you want to be Successful in the modern World, you will need a Professional looking Website. A Website is the backbone of your Business, supporting all your Digital Marketing efforts.Any form of Digital Communication you use to engage with your Customers needs to link back to your Website. WEB ARTIST® offers a variety of Web Design Solutions to give your Brand a fresh and functional Online Presence. We provide a wide range of Website Design and Digital Offerings. We’re fully equipped to bring your Business up to speed through Customised Website Design and Development, e-Commerce and Content Management Systems (CMS), Google Ads, Social Media Marketing as well as Graphic Design and full Corporate Identity facelift. At WEB ARTIST® we understand that there is a certain Psychology involved when Designing and Developing Websites, which ultimately plays an enormous role in the Visitor Experience.Our Team of Highly Experienced Web Designers and Brand Consultants will make the time to sit down with our Clients and understand both their Target Market and the Information they need to Promote, and together we work out how best to Deliver the Message they need to bring across.
  3. Google Ads: Google Ads is an Advertising Service by Google for Businesses wanting to Display Ads on Google and its Advertising Network.
    The Google Ads program enables Businesses to set a budget for Advertising and only pay when People click on the Ads. The Ad service is largely focused on Keywords. Get your Business found – Whether you’re looking to Attract new Website Visitors, Grow Online Sales, get the Phones ringing or keep Customers coming back for more, Google Ads is the best way to reach your goals.It is very important to keep in mind that your Sales Team clearly can’t do site visits etc, but if your Marketing Material was in order if would be much easier to send your potential Customer professional Marketing Materials in Digital format.Trust the WEB ARTIST® Team to assist you with all your Digital Marketing requirements and don’t go lay down when things get tough. The best thing you can do for your Business now in times of uncertainty is to get up and Communicate effectively with customers by using Digital Resources to create a competitive advantage.WEB ARTIST® takes pride in having worked with and advised many Business Start-Ups, Entrepreneurs, and Established Businesses Globally on their Strategic Marketing Initiatives.We welcome the opportunity to offer your Business the chance to build a Successful Marketing Strategy to better dominate your Market Segment quickly and effectively. Sometimes taking a Birds-eye view on your Brand and getting a Third-party opinion is hard to do, but effective. Once you’ve established how your Company is perceived out there in the great void of Competitive Brands, Adverse Cultures, Beliefs, and Ideologies setting your Marketing Objectives to move forward should yield a positive outcome.Any Brand is ideally a promise, committing to offer a Product or Service where the Consumer ultimately benefits.By committing to Service Excellence and Product Quality, nicely wrapped with consistent Brand Communication, your Brand will establish the foundation of Consumer Loyalty and strengthen your Corporate Identity in the midst of your Target Audience, to ultimately drive Revenue Successfully to your Business.Take the leap into the unknown and be rest assured that we will be there for you and your Business every step of the way.


Book A Meeting


To set up a meeting with one of the WEB ARTIST® TEAM members, simply complete our online booking form and one of our Client Liaisons will communicate a suitable place, time and date that will best suit your needs.

Please note, to best assist you, we prefer that all meetings to be held, will be scheduled at one of our branches or the clients daytime office premises.

Online Meetings made easy with WEB ARTIST®.

Should it not be possible to set up a physical meeting due to any reason whatsoever, a Video Meeting can be conducted through the following means: 

Zoom | Skype | Microsoft Teams | WhatsApp Video Call | Google Hangouts | Google Duo

WEB ARTIST® Regrets that we do not meet in Public Places like Coffee shops or Shopping mall etc. due to the nature of our business and Intellectual Property and Confidential Information that will be shared during meetings. We can not risk the exposure of our and the client’s Intellectual Property and Confidential Information in Public areas. Furthermore, we require full attention from our clients and public places provide too many distractions.

With our Head Office situated centrally in Gauteng and Regional Branches in the Cape, Mpumalanga and International Offices Situated In Mauritius, WEB ARTIST® as an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency with an excellent track record spanning over a decade, have the ability and expertise to provide our clients only the best in service and professionalism.



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    Services You Are Interested In?

    To best assist you with a call back, please supply us with the following information.


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      Which of our services are you interested in?*
      Web Design, Maintenance & HostingBrand & Corporate Identity DevelopmentGoogle Ads & Social Media CampaignsCommercial Printing Of All MediaBranded Corporate Clothing And GiftingTechnology Products & IT SupportProximity Marketing & Physical Web ProductsTrademark Registration Assistance



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        Free Business Start-Up Guide

        To assist any Business Owner new to the concrete jungle, WEB ARTIST® offers a FREE complimentary 30 point downloadable E-Book that will explain some of the questions you as a Business Owner might have when starting a business. How To Get Your FREE E-Book: Please complete the below form. An email will be sent to you containing the download link and the password to unlock the E-Book.

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                  Free Business-Plan

                  WEB ARTIST® offers a FREE complimentary Business-Plan E-Book that will explain some of the questions you as a Business Owner might have when compiling a Business-Plan.
                  How To Get Your FREE E-Book: Please Complete the below form. An Email will be sent to you containing the Download Link and the Password to unlock the E-Book.

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                    Book A Meeting


                    To set up a meeting with one of the WEB ARTIST® TEAM members, simply complete our online booking form and one of our Client Liaisons will communicate a suitable place, time and date that will best suit your needs.

                    Please note, to best assist you, we prefer that all meetings to be held, will be scheduled at one of our branches or the clients daytime office premises.

                    Online Meetings made easy with WEB ARTIST®.

                    Should it not be possible to set up a physical meeting due to any reason whatsoever, a Video Meeting can be conducted through the following means: Zoom | Skype | Microsoft Teams | WhatsApp Video Call | Google Hangouts | Google Duo

                    WEB ARTIST® Regrets that we do not meet in Public Places due to the nature of our business and Intellectual Property and Confidential Information that will be shared during meetings. We can not risk the exposure of our and the client’s Intellectual Property and Confidential Information in Public areas. Furthermore, we require full attention from our clients and public places provide too many distractions.

                    With our Head Office situated centrally in Gauteng and Regional Branches in the Cape, Mpumalanga and International Offices Situated In Mauritius, WEB ARTIST® as an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency with an excellent track record spanning over a decade, have the ability and expertise to provide our clients only the best in service and professionalism.



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                      WEB ARTIST® Head Office


                      WEB ARTIST® as an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency with an excellent track record spanning over a decade, have the ability and expertise to provide our clients only the best in service and professionalism.

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                        Cape Town Regional Office


                        WEB ARTIST® as an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency with an excellent track record spanning over a decade, have the ability and expertise to provide our clients only the best in service and professionalism.

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                          Mpumalanga Regional Office


                          WEB ARTIST® as an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency with an excellent track record spanning over a decade, have the ability and expertise to provide our clients only the best in service and professionalism.

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                            Mauritius International Office


                            WEB ARTIST® as an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency with an excellent track record spanning over a decade, have the ability and expertise to provide our clients only the best in service and professionalism.

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