8th March 2022

The Power of Body Language In Business

At WEB ARTIST®, We proudly practice using our Body Language to better our Business Communication with Clients. Body Language in Business is very important in aspects of connecting with others, expressing what you mean, and building strong relationships. Here are some tips guaranteed to give you a nonverbal advantage: Having An Optimistic Mindset No matter the assignment, when you frown while doing it, you send your brain the message, “This is challenging. I should stop.” The brain then responds by sending stress elements into your blood circulation. And this generates a bitter loop: the more stressed you are, the more problematic the task becomes. But when you smile, your brain gets the message, “It is not so bad. I can continue!   Banish Pre-Meeting Jitters Body Language is recognized by most Corporate Professionals, and this helps with your Interview Process. Few realize that how they sit while waiting in the […]
22nd February 2022

The Benefits Of A Mobi-Friendly (Responsive) Website

With the increase in the use of Mobile Devices and the rise in the popularity of Mobile Phones; you would be doing your Company harm if the Website is not designed to respond and adjust to Mobile and other devices. A quick and easy method of doing this would be to use a Responsive Website design. At WEB ARTIST® all our Websites are Responsive and Mobi-Friendly.   What Is The Difference Between A Mobi-Friendly And Responsive Website? Fundamentally, a Mobile-Friendly Website will look good on Mobile Devices. But might have problems and be harder to navigate when observed on Devices with a higher resolution. While a Responsive Website is a website design that allows your website to adjust to the size of any screen it is being viewed on like a Desktop, Phone, Tablet, etc. and Users would not notice any difference in your Site’s general appearance on their Screen. […]
18th February 2022

As an Accredited Google Street View Trusted Photographer, Let us assist you in making your business stand out with a 360° Virtual Tour.

As an Accredited Google Street View Trusted Photographer, Let us assist you in making your business stand out with a 360° Virtual Tour.    WEBARTIST® Takes pride in helping our Clients in achieving their goals to build a better Business.    Let your clients take a virtual step into your business.  With Google 360° virtual tour, Clients & Customers have the ability to take a look inside your Business from their own homes.  Full 360° Photographs and Virtual Tours offer your Web Visitors unique access to your Area or Corporation without ever leaving your Website, while boosting your Web Visitor Retention, SEO ranking, and ultimately your Bookings 62% of Internet Users find photos of store interiors, store shelves & product close-ups useful when deciding which retailer to visit.  Listings with photos and a virtual tour are 2x more likely to generate interest than those without.    What are 360° Photographs?  360° […]
8th February 2022

Growing Your Business Through Google Ads

At WEB ARTIST® we believe that there are various tools that can help in growing your business, one of them being Google Ads. What Is “Google Ads”? Google Ads is an online platform that promotes your product by advertising your product or service to the desired target market. Whenever a business landing page or product-ranked ad appears as the first, second, or third search result on Google, it is not only a good SEO result but probably a result of a Google advertising campaign. Through Google Ads, businesses pay for ads that appear to customers searching for related terms in Google Search and Google Maps. At WEB ARTIST® we have acknowledged how Google Ads can help businesses grow. Here is what we have noticed: When you advertise with search results on the Google Search Network, select keywords to target your ads to people who are searching for similar terms. You […]
11th January 2022

What Are QR Codes And How Can They Help Your Business?

Ever wondered why QR codes are everywhere these days? Also wondered, what are QR Codes and how can they help your business? As we now know QR Codes have revolutionised the business world. Today we take a look at what are QR Codes and how can they help your business. Quick Response codes (QR codes) and other two-dimensional codes have achieved widespread use over the past few years – and for good reason. Consumers want immediate access to what’s relevant and QR codes are being used to make that possible. QR codes have made information sharing easy and simple to use for anyone who has a smartphone.  QR Codes 101 If you’re not yet familiar with QR codes, they’re similar to the barcodes used by retailers to track inventory and price products at the point of sale. The key difference between the two is the amount of data they can […]
13th December 2021

The Best Digital Marketing Agency of the Year 2021/22

2021 decided to end off on a high note for WEB ARTIST® – Digital Marketing Agency. Covid 19 has not been kind to many businesses and business owners during the year. Worst of all, there were thousands more companies that has to shut down because it was too hard to survive the pandemic. This clearly indicates how things have changed in the past 2 years. Nobody ever thought that if your business is not advertising online that could be the death of it. Earlier this year they were nominated for The Best Digital Marketing Agency of the Year by the South Africa Prestige Awards 2021/22. After such a long and hard year, we are happy to announce that they came out on top of the competition by winning the award. Nominated amongst great industry leaders and innovators, they were able to learn a lot and most importantly improve their overall […]
6th December 2021

6 Ways To Make Your Website Stand Out From Your Competitors’

Today we discuss 6 Ways To Make Your Website Stand Out From Your Competitors’ without breaking the bank. We take a look at how the internet game has changed and how have users and customers adopted and constituted that change. There are more than just 6 ways to make your website stand out from your competitors, but for today’s topic, we will just stick to 6. The internet has become a place of informative interaction, lead generation and shopping for customers all over the world. Businesses are constantly investing in marketing are constantly producing content to keep their customers and audience interacting. Going towards the end of 2021, business owners now know that they can not survive without a website and proper SEO practices to help users find them. SEO is not the only factor to consider but there are other valuable factors that business owners can invest in to […]
29th November 2021

Why I Will Stay On Your Website More Than 7 Seconds

Business owners today face a real problem. Most people that visit their website leave without interacting with you at all. Everyone has a website these days but why I will stay on your website more than 7 Seconds? You realise that you need help figuring out how to get more customers, so you go out and talk to the professionals. It will happen that you invest some money in Facebook, SEO, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yellow Pages and so on. These tools will not only help grow your business but also help you reach out to more potential clients. Reaching out to more people give you a greater chance of converting a few of them into buying and even returning customers. With that being said, we need to analyse and understand reasons that would make a customer stay on your website for more than 7 seconds. The 7 Second Rule When I […]
22nd November 2021

9 Key Digital Marketing Trends To Prepare For In 2021

Digital marketing has become a crucial tool for validating any brand in less time. It is the most effective and convenient method in today’s era if you want to reach your potential customers and grow your business across the globe. There are more than 9 key Digital Marketing trends to prepare for in 2021. But today we will just focus on 9. Many new digital marketing trends, strategies, and platforms are evolving in this time and a large number of consumers are engaging brands on various different channels that never even existed. However, the goal of advertising is still continuous. The only change that occurred is in the creativity and novelty of new digital marketing trends. So it is necessary for any employer to hire a marketer who can easily communicate the right message at various stages of the marketing funnel, helps in raising brand awareness, gives strategy to drive […]
15th November 2021

Ways To Market Your New Business On Little Or No Money

If you’ve been in business before, you understand the challenges of getting clients through the door. In theory, it sounds easy. But in practice, it’s tough. Luck has nothing to do with your achievement in marketing a new business or creating sales. Including artistic concepts in your marketing strategies is the way forward. The internet has broadened the options for new industries hoping to reach more consumers. In addition, it’s made it easier and more reasonable. A simple Google search will expose several situations of positive start-ups. Many prospered by driving thousands of sales on a shoestring budget. However, the success stories don’t expose what goes on behind the scenes – how innovators used their originality to attract customers. Invent A Viral Hashtag Brands today are likely to make more sales via social media than any other channel. Instagram and Facebook are two platforms clients use to determine new brands […]
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To set up a meeting with one of the WEB ARTIST® TEAM members, simply complete our online booking form and one of our Client Liaisons will communicate a suitable place, time and date that will best suit your needs.

Please note, to best assist you, we prefer that all meetings to be held, will be scheduled at one of our branches or the clients daytime office premises.

Online Meetings made easy with WEB ARTIST®.

Should it not be possible to set up a physical meeting due to any reason whatsoever, a Video Meeting can be conducted through the following means: 

Zoom | Skype | Microsoft Teams | WhatsApp Video Call | Google Hangouts | Google Duo

WEB ARTIST® Regrets that we do not meet in Public Places like Coffee shops or Shopping mall etc. due to the nature of our business and Intellectual Property and Confidential Information that will be shared during meetings. We can not risk the exposure of our and the client’s Intellectual Property and Confidential Information in Public areas. Furthermore, we require full attention from our clients and public places provide too many distractions.

With our Head Office situated centrally in Gauteng and Regional Branches in the Cape, Mpumalanga and International Offices Situated In Mauritius, WEB ARTIST® as an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency with an excellent track record spanning over a decade, have the ability and expertise to provide our clients only the best in service and professionalism.



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      Web Design, Maintenance & HostingBrand & Corporate Identity DevelopmentGoogle Ads & Social Media CampaignsCommercial Printing Of All MediaBranded Corporate Clothing And GiftingTechnology Products & IT SupportProximity Marketing & Physical Web ProductsTrademark Registration Assistance



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        To assist any Business Owner new to the concrete jungle, WEB ARTIST® offers a FREE complimentary 30 point downloadable E-Book that will explain some of the questions you as a Business Owner might have when starting a business. How To Get Your FREE E-Book: Please complete the below form. An email will be sent to you containing the download link and the password to unlock the E-Book.

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                  Free Business-Plan

                  WEB ARTIST® offers a FREE complimentary Business-Plan E-Book that will explain some of the questions you as a Business Owner might have when compiling a Business-Plan.
                  How To Get Your FREE E-Book: Please Complete the below form. An Email will be sent to you containing the Download Link and the Password to unlock the E-Book.

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                    Book A Meeting


                    To set up a meeting with one of the WEB ARTIST® TEAM members, simply complete our online booking form and one of our Client Liaisons will communicate a suitable place, time and date that will best suit your needs.

                    Please note, to best assist you, we prefer that all meetings to be held, will be scheduled at one of our branches or the clients daytime office premises.

                    Online Meetings made easy with WEB ARTIST®.

                    Should it not be possible to set up a physical meeting due to any reason whatsoever, a Video Meeting can be conducted through the following means: Zoom | Skype | Microsoft Teams | WhatsApp Video Call | Google Hangouts | Google Duo

                    WEB ARTIST® Regrets that we do not meet in Public Places due to the nature of our business and Intellectual Property and Confidential Information that will be shared during meetings. We can not risk the exposure of our and the client’s Intellectual Property and Confidential Information in Public areas. Furthermore, we require full attention from our clients and public places provide too many distractions.

                    With our Head Office situated centrally in Gauteng and Regional Branches in the Cape, Mpumalanga and International Offices Situated In Mauritius, WEB ARTIST® as an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency with an excellent track record spanning over a decade, have the ability and expertise to provide our clients only the best in service and professionalism.



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                      WEB ARTIST® as an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency with an excellent track record spanning over a decade, have the ability and expertise to provide our clients only the best in service and professionalism.

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                        WEB ARTIST® as an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency with an excellent track record spanning over a decade, have the ability and expertise to provide our clients only the best in service and professionalism.

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                          Mpumalanga Regional Office


                          WEB ARTIST® as an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency with an excellent track record spanning over a decade, have the ability and expertise to provide our clients only the best in service and professionalism.

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                            Mauritius International Office


                            WEB ARTIST® as an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency with an excellent track record spanning over a decade, have the ability and expertise to provide our clients only the best in service and professionalism.

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