2nd July 2021

7 Steps To Attract New Customers

Building a healthy client base can seem like a daunting task. Here we have a 7 step guide to help you attract new customers: Identify The Ideal Client For Your Business Discover Places That Your Customers Frequent Know Your Business Inside and Out Position Yourself as the Answer Try Direct Response Marketing Build Partnerships Follow Up As a business owner, you are, without a doubt, acutely aware that your client base is the lifeblood of your company. A stable flow of new customers is essential for you to grow your business and to fulfill your company vision. The importance placed on a strong client base for all small businesses, especially virtual ones, is why Web Designers frequently ask the question, “What is the best way to approach creating a solid client base for your online business?” It turns out that the best way to attract new clients is something as […]
23rd June 2021

Seven Ways To Improve Your Brand On Social Media

Planning an effective social media strategy is one of the most significant determinate to the accomplishment of your business. The old argument about whether your brand should be a part of social media is long over. We all know that social media is the main element to engage with your audience. We have compiled 7 ways to improve your brand on social media. Find A Social Media Manager Think about your audience Use social media to sell no more than 10% of the time Learn more about each channel Make sure your Social Media Manager knows your brand Value Quality over Quantity Make each piece of content valuable   1. Find a Social Media Manager: There are a lot of self-proclaimed “social media advisors” and “professionals” out there and, while some of them are doing a great job, most aren’t. Again and again, we see Social Media Managers of brands, […]
10th June 2021

8 Reasons To Get a Professional Website

Like many small business owners, you may believe your business cannot benefit from having a website or that a website is not within your budget. It might be that you do not use a computer often, you think neither do your potential customers. These are misconceptions. These 8 reasons show why your company NEEDS a professional website, no matter the size of your business. 1.Gain Credibility 2. Save Money 3. Keep Your Customers Informed 4. Your Business Is Always Accessible 5. Target A Wider Market 6. Showcase Your Work 7. Save Your Time 8. Improve Customer Service 1. Your Small Business Will Gain Credibility Today, more and more consumers use the internet to search for products or services they need. Your small business will gain credibility by having a website. If your business does not have a website, potential customers will go to your competitors that do. If you already […]
3rd June 2021

Why Colour Matters For Your Company Brand

Colour plays an integral role in how we view the world, which is why colour matters for your company brand and is essential for establishing a rock-solid corporate identity. Colours are the backbone of a strong and easily recognisable brand, as colours can subconsciously communicate a brand’s promise to its customers. Choosing the correct colours for your brand can have a significant impact on your business’s overall success. Why is Colour Use So Important? Without colour, a vast majority of popular brands would not exist in the way that we know them today. There are several reasons why colour plays such a major role in a brand’s success. These includes: Colour engages with your customers’ emotions Consistent colours build trust Colours help you stand out   Colour Engages With Your Customers’ Emotions Colours are registered by the brain before any images or text and certain colours can evoke certain emotions. […]
13th May 2021

6 Ways Content Marketing Can Benefit Your Business

Content marketing can give you the opportunity to not only expand your company but also to build your reputation and establish a place as a trusted leader in the industry. For small and local businesses, it can be hard to stand out against larger nationwide brands. However, content marketing can help your small business attract attention, and for relevant niches in your industry, too. Content marketing is a marketing approach that involves creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to your prospective audience in the hopes of driving consumer action, and it has numerous benefits for small businesses. 6 Ways Content Marketing Can Benefit Your Business: Generate Traffic To Your Website Build Brand Awareness Increase Leads And Sales Establish Yourself as A Thought-Leader Encourage Engagement Costs Less Than Traditional Marketing   1.Generate Traffic To Your Website With Content Marketing. Content marketing drives inbound traffic to your site. When potential customers […]
29th April 2021

Is Social Media Important?

Recently, Facebook reported that the number of monthly users has reached astounding numbers of 2.8 Billion users, of which over 1.8 billion of them use it on a daily basis. That means that the amount of monthly users has increased by 378% over the last 10 years! The 1st of October this year will mark the eleventh anniversary of the film, “The Social Network”, signifying a giant milestone in the growth and societal impact of not just Facebook, as social media was considered prevalent enough that millions of dollars were invested in producing a film about it. As much as the film highlighted the importance of social media for the general public as a platform where they could voice their opinions and converse with friends across the globe, we were left with a question, “How can we transfer this to the commercial and business context. Can social media be as […]
22nd April 2021

Creating A Social Media Marketing Strategy In 7 Easy Steps

Social Media Marketing requires both strategy and creativity.  Creating a social media marketing strategy does not have to be a long painful process.  A Social Media Marketing strategy is everything you want to achieve and plan to do on social media.  The more specific your strategy and plan is the more effective it will be. Below are a few steps to help you get started on your Social Media Marketing Strategy. Find Out More About: Social Media Marketing How to Create an Effective Social Media Marketing Strategy Step 1: Audit Your Current Social Presence. Step 2: Choose Social Media Marketing Goals That Align With Business Objectives. Step 3: Document Who Your Ideal Customer Is. Step 4: Know Your Competition. Step 5: Set Up Accounts And Improve Profiles Step 6: Create Engaging Social Content. Step 7: Track, Analyze, Optimize     Audit Your Social Presence Before you strategize about where you […]
12th April 2021

Why is Search Engine Marketing/PPC Beneficial?

Search Engine Marketing (also known as SEM) is effective because of its wide range of online tools, generating high visibility in a cost-effective manner and the manner it adapts to multiple markets and audiences. Search engine marketing will help you to make your presence better in search engines so that your potential customers can get to know about you and your brand. Marketing is already a broad field in itself. With respect to these dynamic surroundings, competition has established such a standard that it is difficult for businesses and brands to make them effective among their competitors. Every day the marketing world is making us witness the advancement in its new techniques and approaches and one of the major components in marketing strategy is SEM, What is SEM? SEM may incorporate search engine optimization, which adjusts or rewrites website content and site architecture to achieve a higher ranking in search […]
9th March 2021

What Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) And How Does It Work?

What Is Search Engine Optimization? Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the process of increasing awareness about – and traffic to – a particular website by making sure it appears among the top unpaid organic search results on search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. While there is a common misperception that it is a stand-alone marketing tactic, SEO is accomplished by many tactics working together and is central to an effective inbound marketing strategy. While social media, email, banner ads, and other marketing tools generate website visits, SEO visibility is particularly important because search engines are the primary way users navigate the internet.  It automatically increases your audience in a relevant, targeted way – they self-identify as someone interested in your product or service. How Does Search Engine Optimization Work? Search engines want to provide the best service for their users, thus delivering results that are not only high quality […]
5th March 2021

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing Solutions Whether you are aiming to drive engagement or grow your following, our social media marketing services make it easier to stand out for all the right reasons. Social media has evolved rapidly over the years. Today, channels such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube has become as much a part of everyday life as email and the web. Brands that use social wisely have the power to connect on a deeper level, driving conversion in a way that is organic and far-reaching. Social is not just about having a following online, either. Search engines have begun to use social media results as part of their algorithms for real-time search results, which can also have a direct impact on your Search Engine Optimisation results. From a brand reputation point of view, social helps you build a reputation based on transparency. Other benefits of social media marketing include […]
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Please note, to best assist you, we prefer that all meetings to be held, will be scheduled at one of our branches or the clients daytime office premises.

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With our Head Office situated centrally in Gauteng and Regional Branches in the Cape, Mpumalanga and International Offices Situated In Mauritius, WEB ARTIST® as an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency with an excellent track record spanning over a decade, have the ability and expertise to provide our clients only the best in service and professionalism.



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                    Please note, to best assist you, we prefer that all meetings to be held, will be scheduled at one of our branches or the clients daytime office premises.

                    Online Meetings made easy with WEB ARTIST®.

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                    WEB ARTIST® Regrets that we do not meet in Public Places due to the nature of our business and Intellectual Property and Confidential Information that will be shared during meetings. We can not risk the exposure of our and the client’s Intellectual Property and Confidential Information in Public areas. Furthermore, we require full attention from our clients and public places provide too many distractions.

                    With our Head Office situated centrally in Gauteng and Regional Branches in the Cape, Mpumalanga and International Offices Situated In Mauritius, WEB ARTIST® as an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency with an excellent track record spanning over a decade, have the ability and expertise to provide our clients only the best in service and professionalism.



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