8th November 2021

How To Grow Your Facebook Presence

With over 2 billion active users globally, it is safe to say that Facebook is certainly the biggest social media network of all time. Today we take a look at how to grow your Facebook presence. The growth in their innovation and technology has influenced how people interact with each other and brands online. Non-traditional businesses have seen massive sales, interaction growth and brand authority using such social media platforms. The most important thing about social media is to connect people. That means the platforms can be used to connect businesses and potential customers. Facebook also owns Instagram and WhatsApp which makes marketing on it more liquid and cost-effective than traditional advertising. Facebook requires no introduction. Despite this, some small businesses and corporations are sceptical about the uses of Facebook for growing their industries. However, businesses are still learning how to grow their Facebook presence by the day. Having a […]
4th November 2021

Effective Communication Means Business Success

Effective Communication Means Business Success As we all know, the power of communication is very important for us human beings. Whether the communication is through text, visuals, or sound, but the key thing is to convey a message to people. In the business world, making use of all the above-mentioned media is very important to assist businesses to communicate with their market and potential customers. This communication between the business and the customer is usually a very short interaction between the business’s marketing means and how the potential customers perceive that solution.  Effective communication starts from the business owners, down to management, and all the way down to the sales and marketing team. By the time the message is conveyed to the potential customer, then the entire business model, proposition and value is clear and is directly shared with the customer. Effective communication toughens the influences between a corporation and […]
11th October 2021

9 Tips For Growing A Successful Business.

To succeed in business today, you need to be flexible and have good planning and organizational skills. Many people start a business thinking that they’ll turn on their computers or open their doors and start making money, only to find that making money in a business is hard. You can avoid this in your business ventures by taking your time and planning out all the necessary steps you need to achieve success. Get Organized To be successful in business you need to be organized. Organization will help you complete tasks and stay on top of things to be done. A good way to do this is to create a to-do list each day. As you complete each item, check it off your list. This will ensure that you’re not forgetting anything and you’re completing all the tasks that are essential to the survival of your business. Keep Detailed Records All […]
30th September 2021

Why A Brand Is Important For Your Business

A Brand represents the sum of people’s perception of a Company’s Customer Service, Reputation, Advertising, and Logo.  Ever wondered why a brand is important for your business? When all of these parts of the Business are working well, the overall Brand tends to be healthy. On the flip side, we all probably know a Company that offers Excellent Products or Services but has a Tarnished Brand due to Poor Customer Service. Let’s take a look at the important ways a strong Brand Impacts Your Business: Branding Improves Recognition Understanding why a brand is important for your business is very important for your business. One of the major Components of your Brand is your Logo. Think of how we instantly recognize the Golden Arches of McDonald’s or the simple, but powerful Eagle of the USPS. As the “face” of a Company, Logo Design is critical because that simple Graphic will be […]
17th September 2021

Why customer loyalty programs are valuable?

Why do we value where we shop? Today we look at why customer loyalty programs are valuable to customers. Ever wondered why you keep shopping at the same shop even after you had a bad experience a couple of times? Maybe you had bought an expired product or had bad customer service. You may also have been unhappy about the store’s/shop environment but for some reason, you still go back.  You could be out shopping at any location or mall but you always remember to buy bread at the same store every day. They know you-you know them and a part of you feels obligated to shop there daily. This is called customer loyalty. Your reward may not be of any physical value but you probably have a great relationship with the store owner. Should you run into any trouble, you know the shop owner will assist you. The benefits […]
10th September 2021

Why is Digital Marketing so Important?

The Covid-19 pandemic has proven to us that being online is the only way your business can keep interacting with customers and potential buyers. Digital marketing has become a very vital part of overall marketing for any business. Clients and customers are all online. Businesses have had no choice but to adapt to this new way of living. According to Datareportal.com, the internet sector of the world has seen a reported 60.9% increase in internet usage and access across the globe over the past 2 and half years. That is almost 346% overall increase since the year 2009. Internet service providers have seen a huge growth in overall user sign-ups, subscription contracts, and inquiries from customers who need internet. Fibre was once an expensive luxury that was only afforded by high-income earners. Today, one can get very good and reliable fibre internet services from as little as R500/$40 per month. Why […]
20th August 2021

The 5 Secrets Of Business Success

Knowing and understanding your business and the business atmosphere around you will benefit you in expanding quicker and more strongly. One of the questions that most entrepreneurs ask is What drives business growth? To help you grow your business, we put together the following list: 1.Continuous learning 2. Knowledge Management 3. Develop Discipline 4. Make Choices That Work For You 5. Keep Your Mentors Close To succeed in business today, you need to be flexible and have good planning and organizational skills. Many people start a business thinking that they’ll turn on their computers or open their doors and start making money, only to find that making money in a business is much more difficult than they thought. You can avoid this in your business ventures by taking your time and planning out all the necessary steps to achieve success. Whatever type of business you want to start, using the following […]
13th August 2021

4 Reasons To Redesign Your Website

Nowadays, it’s extremely important for any business to have a working, easy-to-use responsive website. Many people, while doing their research, check your company’s online presence along with your competitors’ before they call you. Your company website is a necessary element that users base their first impression on. And, if done right, it possibly will be your 24/7 sales clerk. Many companies understand the importance of a user-friendly website and see the problems with their current one but are still unsure about when to start the redesign process. A website redesign always implies a lot of work. A redesign not only involves time but also an allocated budget. The best part, though, is the excitement of having a brand-new online presence at the end of the process that you will be proud to show everyone. Here are four reasons that may help you determine the right time to invest in a […]
4th August 2021

7 Simple Ways To Improve Your Web Content

To be competitive in today’s online community, your website must give visitors a good first impression. The web content of your website plays a big role in giving a good first impression. The content visitors find on your website says a lot about your company’s mission, professionalism and attention to detail. Let’s face it: No matter what type of products or services your company offers, you can’t afford to be unexciting when billions of websites are competing for more people to visit your website. The following seven tips will help you give potential clients an accurate and favourable look at your website. Make Your Web Content Visual With web content the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words” holds particularly true. Even if your website’s content is the most tedious information and data can grab a visitor’s attention if it is organised into a compelling visual chart, graph or […]
21st July 2021

10 Reasons Why Your Website Should Be Mobile-Friendly.

Having a mobile-friendly website means making sure people on mobile devices can find and browse your website. It also means making sure they can remain as happy as possible during that experience. Smartphones and other mobile devices’ popularity are on the rise, more than ever before (and they are not going anywhere anytime soon), so optimizing your website for mobile isn’t just a trend or a side option like it might have been in years past. Today, making your website mobile-friendly is an absolute must. If you do the research, the experts will all tell you the same thing, and they are right. Mobile is where your customers are – so it is also where your business should be. Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites over those that are not mobile-friendly in mobile search results. In April 2015, the Google algorithm change that occurred tweaked the way that Google displays mobile search […]
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Please note, to best assist you, we prefer that all meetings to be held, will be scheduled at one of our branches or the clients daytime office premises.

Online Meetings made easy with WEB ARTIST®.

Should it not be possible to set up a physical meeting due to any reason whatsoever, a Video Meeting can be conducted through the following means: 

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WEB ARTIST® Regrets that we do not meet in Public Places like Coffee shops or Shopping mall etc. due to the nature of our business and Intellectual Property and Confidential Information that will be shared during meetings. We can not risk the exposure of our and the client’s Intellectual Property and Confidential Information in Public areas. Furthermore, we require full attention from our clients and public places provide too many distractions.

With our Head Office situated centrally in Gauteng and Regional Branches in the Cape, Mpumalanga and International Offices Situated In Mauritius, WEB ARTIST® as an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency with an excellent track record spanning over a decade, have the ability and expertise to provide our clients only the best in service and professionalism.



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                    To set up a meeting with one of the WEB ARTIST® TEAM members, simply complete our online booking form and one of our Client Liaisons will communicate a suitable place, time and date that will best suit your needs.

                    Please note, to best assist you, we prefer that all meetings to be held, will be scheduled at one of our branches or the clients daytime office premises.

                    Online Meetings made easy with WEB ARTIST®.

                    Should it not be possible to set up a physical meeting due to any reason whatsoever, a Video Meeting can be conducted through the following means: Zoom | Skype | Microsoft Teams | WhatsApp Video Call | Google Hangouts | Google Duo

                    WEB ARTIST® Regrets that we do not meet in Public Places due to the nature of our business and Intellectual Property and Confidential Information that will be shared during meetings. We can not risk the exposure of our and the client’s Intellectual Property and Confidential Information in Public areas. Furthermore, we require full attention from our clients and public places provide too many distractions.

                    With our Head Office situated centrally in Gauteng and Regional Branches in the Cape, Mpumalanga and International Offices Situated In Mauritius, WEB ARTIST® as an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency with an excellent track record spanning over a decade, have the ability and expertise to provide our clients only the best in service and professionalism.



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                            WEB ARTIST® as an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency with an excellent track record spanning over a decade, have the ability and expertise to provide our clients only the best in service and professionalism.

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