24th February 2021

What Is Inbound Marketing?

First things first. Inbound marketing refers to marketing strategies such as content marketing, pay per click (PPC) advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), and social media that “pull” prospective customers at their exact moment of intent. As opposed to traditional marketing, which is based on the idea of outspending your competitors, inbound marketing connects you to motivated consumers at the right time and place. Think of it as attracting customers to your company rather than having to chase after them. So, what does the data say about inbound vs outbound? Inbound generates 54% more leads than outbound Inbound leads cost 61% less than outbound Inbound generated 3x more qualified leads than outbound The Inbound Marketing Methodology The inbound marketing methodology typically has 4 steps. While no customer journey is perfectly linear, this methodology uses the most common path people take when making decisions about the brands they buy from. By having stronger influence […]
8th February 2021

Why Is Content Marketing Important For Your Business?

Why Is Content Marketing Important for Your Business? Like other organizations, your business is likely wrestling with a convergence of changes that are upending the familiar tactics you’ve always used to communicate with prospects and customers. Growing demographic diversity, the adoption of interactive technologies, and evolving media consumption habits have altered how consumers get information and how they perceive branded communication messages. But before you dive in, you need to learn more. What is content marketing anyway? Is it just a fad? Does it mean anything, or is it just a cool-sounding buzzword? Could it help you achieve your objectives? And if so, how? What Is Content Marketing? The Content Marketing Institute offers the following definition of content marketing: A strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience – and ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. So first […]
20th January 2021

Tips To Think About Before Starting A Business In 2021 During The Covid-19 Pandemic

Why not make a difference in South Africa and help our Economy by Starting A Business in 2021? Given that recessions are times of great need, this might just be the best time to strike out on your own and start a business. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic has already hit small businesses hard in South Africa with many closing its doors permanently. Many Employees and Employers have lost their livelihood, these that were laid off from their jobs made the leap and became entrepreneurs. These tips below will help you before Starting A Business In 2021 during the current pandemic. Think About What Consumers Need Right Now Consumer Habits had a major change since the start of the pandemic, so consider how your product or service fit into your customers’ current lifestyle. Examples of industries thriving during the pandemic include Cleaning and Delivery Services, Fitness Equipment, Home Improvements and Basic […]
1st December 2020

6 Tips You Should Consider Before Closing During The Festive Season

Preparing your office before you close for the holidays requires careful preparation.  The right communication will ensure that your customers and employees can plan and work around the shutdown, this means that you will have minimal complaints going into the new year.  We all have enough to think about before the holidays starts, that is why WEB ARTIST® have compiled 6 tips for closing your business over the festive season, these can help you streamline closing your business for a couple of days or weeks effectively.   Notify Employees, Customers, and Vendors Make sure that you communicate the dates in which your offices will be closed over the holiday period.  Employees can be notified and reminded through emails, in-office calendar systems, and signs around the office.  You can notify customers through a notification or pop-up on your website or your regular channels of communication for instance social media etc. Get […]
12th November 2020

Voted The Best Digital Marketing Agency For The 3rd Year Running

If you are looking for the best digital marketing agency, you have come to the right place. WEB ARTIST® has just been voted the best digital marketing agency for the 3rd year running in Gauteng by MEA Markets Magazine.  We understand the consumer psychology involved when Creating Brands, Marketing Materials, Digital Media, and Websites for various Industries, by incorporating the latest trends, modern technology and utilizing the internet of things. Our staff takes pride in having worked with and advised many Business Start-Ups, Entrepreneurs, and Established Businesses Globally on their Strategic Marketing Initiatives. We welcome the opportunity to offer your Business the chance to build a Successful Digital Marketing Strategy to better dominate your Market Segment quickly and effectively. Our Digital Marketing Services WEB ARTIST® offers a variety of Web Design and Website Development Solutions to give your brand a fresh and functional Online Presence. We provide a wide range […]
23rd October 2020

8 Steps To Become A Good Mentor For Your Employees

1. Mentors Should Be Enthusiastic About the Role Good mentors are passionate about their yearning to help others and receive their rewards not in the form of materialistic items or money, but in seeing the people they have helped become successful.   2.Encourage Your Employees To Step Out Of Their Comfort Zone All people have a zone in which they operate and live. They are comfortable and able to excel in this zone. This is called a comfort zone.  To grow, you’ll need to step outside of your comfort zone to be able to have new experiences and learn. A good mentor is capable of identifying your comfort zone and developing steps and activities within your goals that will force you to become comfortable outside of your zone.   3. A Mentor Should Fit You You may have many people to choose from when you are shopping for a mentor. […]
8th October 2020

Get A Salesperson Or Sales Team In Place

Every organization wants its salespeople to be successful — that is, close more sales. Yet ask many salespeople and they will tell you that their organization often makes it difficult for them meet their quotas, requiring them to do lots of administrative work (e.g., enter data into a CRM system) or not providing them with mobile tools. So what can organizations do to better support and free up their salespeople, so they can close more sales? Here are seven sales strategies for success gleaned from sales and marketing experts. 1. Employ A Sales-friendly CRM System.  “A good [sales-focused] CRM system can help your sales force stay organized and focused,” says Mack Dudayev, CEO and cofounder, an online life insurance marketplace. “With features such as lead prioritization, automatic reminders, lead nurturing and notes, you can expect to see an increase in your sales team’s closing ratio and improved productivity.” Another benefit of […]
23rd September 2020

15 Steps To Make Your IT Infrastructure More Secure:

Secure your IT infrastructure!  Whether you’re running a tech company or not, you likely have sensitive data on computers and devices that you want to be protected. The price to pay for a secure IT infrastructure can be costly. A violation of data, one of the most common computer security threats, can cost a company enormous tangible losses. Apart from financial problems, they can also stand to lose the trust of its customers by security problems or violations. When you can not protect your IT environment, you are doing your company vulnerable to many other types of risks and threats such as the denial of service attacks, infiltration of malware and stealing accounts. These vulnerabilities give cybercriminals control of your network and all data of the customer and the company remains. Ultimately, poor management infrastructure revenues can put your business and reputation on the line. How to Make Your IT […]
13th May 2020

Refine Your Product, And Marketing And Sales Approach

Defining Marketing Marketing is the process of teaching consumers why they should choose your product or service over those of your competitors, and is a form of persuasive communication. It is made up of every process involved in moving a product or service from your business to the consumer. Marketing includes creating the product or service concept, identifying who is likely to purchase it, promoting it, and moving it through the appropriate selling channels. There are three primary purposes of marketing: Capturing the attention of your target market Persuading a consumer to purchase your product Providing the customer with a specific, low-risk action that is easy to take If the objective of your business is to sell more products or services, then marketing is what helps you achieve that goal. Anything that you use to communicate with your customers in a way that persuades them to buy your products or […]
6th May 2020

Refine Your Pitch

If you’re looking to raise capital, you may be spending time in front of investors who can write you big checks. Here are some guidelines for making your pitches more effective and appealing to potential backers. Keep Your Introduction Short Familiarize yourself with the track record of your potential investors to see what size and type of ventures they typically fund. Having that insight can help you to tailor your pitch, and it shows investors that you’re prepared. Schedule Out Every Day If it takes you more than a minute to sum up your idea, your abilities, and the strengths of your business plan, you’ll hinder your quest for investment funds. This is because many opportunities to present your full pitch develop only after you give your “elevator speech” during casual conversations about other things. Hone and vet every single word of your introductory pitch, and then memorize it so […]
Book A Meeting


To set up a meeting with one of the WEB ARTIST® TEAM members, simply complete our online booking form and one of our Client Liaisons will communicate a suitable place, time and date that will best suit your needs.

Please note, to best assist you, we prefer that all meetings to be held, will be scheduled at one of our branches or the clients daytime office premises.

Online Meetings made easy with WEB ARTIST®.

Should it not be possible to set up a physical meeting due to any reason whatsoever, a Video Meeting can be conducted through the following means: 

Zoom | Skype | Microsoft Teams | WhatsApp Video Call | Google Hangouts | Google Duo

WEB ARTIST® Regrets that we do not meet in Public Places like Coffee shops or Shopping mall etc. due to the nature of our business and Intellectual Property and Confidential Information that will be shared during meetings. We can not risk the exposure of our and the client’s Intellectual Property and Confidential Information in Public areas. Furthermore, we require full attention from our clients and public places provide too many distractions.

With our Head Office situated centrally in Gauteng and Regional Branches in the Cape, Mpumalanga and International Offices Situated In Mauritius, WEB ARTIST® as an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency with an excellent track record spanning over a decade, have the ability and expertise to provide our clients only the best in service and professionalism.



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                    To set up a meeting with one of the WEB ARTIST® TEAM members, simply complete our online booking form and one of our Client Liaisons will communicate a suitable place, time and date that will best suit your needs.

                    Please note, to best assist you, we prefer that all meetings to be held, will be scheduled at one of our branches or the clients daytime office premises.

                    Online Meetings made easy with WEB ARTIST®.

                    Should it not be possible to set up a physical meeting due to any reason whatsoever, a Video Meeting can be conducted through the following means: Zoom | Skype | Microsoft Teams | WhatsApp Video Call | Google Hangouts | Google Duo

                    WEB ARTIST® Regrets that we do not meet in Public Places due to the nature of our business and Intellectual Property and Confidential Information that will be shared during meetings. We can not risk the exposure of our and the client’s Intellectual Property and Confidential Information in Public areas. Furthermore, we require full attention from our clients and public places provide too many distractions.

                    With our Head Office situated centrally in Gauteng and Regional Branches in the Cape, Mpumalanga and International Offices Situated In Mauritius, WEB ARTIST® as an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency with an excellent track record spanning over a decade, have the ability and expertise to provide our clients only the best in service and professionalism.



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                            WEB ARTIST® as an Award-Winning Digital Marketing Agency with an excellent track record spanning over a decade, have the ability and expertise to provide our clients only the best in service and professionalism.

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